DYW Ayrshire monthly newsletter
DYW Ayrshire are excited to launch a monthly newsletter for parents and carers. Each newsletter will spotlight a different sector vital to the local labour market and include key information from Ayrshire College, our three Local Authority Areas, and Skills Development Scotland. The newsletter will be released at the beginning of each month, backed up by website updates a social media campaign. Stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities for parents and carers to get involved.
Sector Specific Resources
DYW Ayrshire Sector Spotlight Campaign
Sector Spotlight was a social media campaign focussed on a different industry/sector each month with up to 3 posts per week dedicated to promoting job roles, pathways, videos and links to resources. This campaign supported teaching staff during the pandemic. Search #DYWSectorSpotlight on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter for more information on specific sectors.
Support Links
Below we have pulled together support links to help you better understand what opportunities are out there.
Explore the foundation, modern and graduate frameworks and how you can learn whilst you earn. Filter your search to your local town and see what opportunities are close by.
If further education is the preferred route, explore the many different college courses that your young person can study at either the Ayr, Kilmarnock or Kilwinning Campus.
Founders4Schools are a charity that helps educators improve the life chances of young people by connecting them to volunteer role models from the business world.
Employers can upload opportunities for young people, educators and parents/carers on the Marketplace platform. View what’s coming up for you to get involved in.
Each secondary school has their own Careers Advisor to help pupils identify where their skills are best placed in the working world. You can use SDS’s advice and tools to empower them.
Find your young person’s ideal career through UCAS. Explore the options, get advice on applying to university, speak with current students or read location guides.