Learn 4 Work has now been running in East Ayrshire for four years, Doon, Grange, Loudoun & Stewarton Academies participated. Pupils are taken off timetable and set a challenge which is presented to each group by the employer. The groups then work on and present their recommendations at the end of the final day to the business. This year saw the introduction of the ‘Curveball’ where businesses could announce a twist to their challenge. This would be similar to a real life problem that could arise and is unique to each of the different businesses which meant that pupils would have to overcome the problem and make changes or re-plan their strategy to reach the desired outcome.
The main aim of the challenge is to expose our young people to real life work situations to allow them to work together as a team and gain vital skills including communication, problem solving, decision making & leadership. 24 employers supported the project this year ranging from local entrepreneurs and small businesses to large multinational corporations. A number of businesses have taken forward the ideas and recommendations from the pupils and have worked on these within their business which is great for the schools and the employers and also shows the value of the work the pupils are able to produce during the project.
Last year, Yipworld, a charitable enterprise in East Ayrshire, took park in the Learn 4 Work project at Loudoun Academy and have recently turned the group’s idea into a reality with the development of ‘The Living Room’ which is an exciting facility transformed using the colours, textures, patterns and furniture suggested by the group during the project.
This year, Shire Housing Association took part in all four Learn 4 Work projects and set a challenge which asked pupils to create a ‘How to’ video and think of ideas the organisation could use to get young people involved in the community. The final videos from each school will be featured on Shire Housing’s website and will be shown at their AGM. Dawson Butchers in Muirkirk also took part in the project at Loudoun Academy and set the challenge to rebrand & redesign the shop front window graphics. The ideas and designs suggested by the pupils will be used in the final design for the shop front window.
DYW Ayrshire would like to thank our 2019 Learn 4 Work partners;
Doon Academy: Costley & Costley, East Ayrshire Council Planning & Economic Development, East Ayrshire Council Transmissions and Shire Housing Association.
Loudoun Academy: Alzheimer Scotland, Billy Bowie Tankers, Craighead Country Nursery School, Crossroads Community Hub, John Dawson Butchers, Loudoun Osteopaths, Shire Housing Association and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Grange Academy: Arena HR, Bar Luca, Billy Bowie Tankers, Braehead Foods, Clinic 22, KanDo Support, Minuteman Press, Royal Bank of Scotland, Shire Housing Association and Stagecoach West Scotland.
Stewarton Academy: Billy Bowie Tankers, Booth Welsh, Circa78, East Ayrshire Council Planning & Economic Development, QTS Group, Shire Housing and THAT Co.
“I’d just like to say what a great experience it was. Working with the pupils and seeing how they manage the project and overcome the obstacles. It’s always interesting what ideas the pupils come up with and to include them in our business development” – Diane Dawson- John Dawson Butchers
“Fantastic experience and truly inspired by the commitment and dedication shown by both the pupils and teachers.” James McKee- East Ayrshire Council.
“We found the whole experience really rewarding. The enthusiasm and positivity from the pupils was infectious.” Clare Laurenson- East Ayrshire Council.
“Thanks DYW Ayrshire for this partnership. I was amazed by the young people and so proud of what was achieved.” John Giddings- Shire Housing Association
“I found the experience exciting. The young people were very well prepared, carried out the task perfectly, and put in a huge effort. I was very impressed with the whole event.” Samantha Mathieson- Chartered Institute of Management