Franco British Chamber Event
On Tuesday 8th November 15 Ayrshire schools joined a unique virtual event organised by Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Over 300 pupils from S3-S6 benefitted from this first of its kind opportunity and heard the experience of 3 young French interns at the Franco-British Chamber. The discussion covered, in English, the key sectors in France, the cultural differences between France and UK and what France is like for young people today. The presentation ended with a question and answer session where the pupils were encouraged to use their French speaking skills to form a discussion with the interns.
This initiative raised awareness of the different opportunities in France encouraging pupils to continue with their language studies and we are confident this is the first event of many. Talking with French citizens helped to bridge the gap between education and the world of work.
A Marr College Teacher commented, “The information shared was very informative and definitely re-usable in a teacher point of view to promote languages across our school and to promote careers linking French and Business.”
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Franco-British Chamber, DYW Ayrshire and North, South and East Ayrshire Council for their continued support and partnership on this event.